wild senna and the bumble bees

I’ve made good progress on a small wall quilt. It is machine quilted with hand embroidered details.

I’m still adding a few more satin stitch bumble bees. I’ll share photos of the finished piece next week.

I think the bees on wild senna in the yard have been Bombus impatiens / common eastern bumble bees, pale yellow fuzzy which inspired the embroidered bees.

A few others blooming, buzzing, and shining this week and are pictured below.

(Photo gallery hints: You can click on any photo in the groups for the slideshow view and click or swipe right or left to go forward or back. Some photos have captions. On a laptop, they appear when you hover on the photo. On a mobile phone or tablet click the dot in the lower right-hand corner.)

There’s much to learn out there and I welcome help with plant and creature I.D. and info.


summer surround


wild senna and others